-Matrix Function Computation and its Applications- |
- M. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, Computation of the exponential function of matrices by a formula without oscillatory integrals on infinite intervals, arXiv:2411.19086. (プレプリント)
- 宮下朋也, 工藤周平, 山本有作, 二重指数関数型数値積分公式に基づく行列符号関数計算法の改良と性能評価, 日本応用数理学会論文誌, 34(2024), 66--97.
- T. Miyashita, S. Kudo, Y. Yamamoto, Roundoff error analysis of the double-exponential formula-based method for the matrix sign function, JSIAM Letters, 16(2024), 13--16.
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- N. Jing, T. Sogabe, L. Du, T. Kemmochi, S.-L. Zhang, Tensor product-type methods for solving Sylvester tensor equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 457(2023), 128155.
- N. Marumo, T. Matsuda, Y. Miyatake, Modelling the discretization error of initial value problems using the Wishart distribution, Applied Mathematics Letters, 147(2024),108833.
- T. Kitano, Y. Miyatake, D. Furihata, A modified model for topic detection from a corpus and a new metric evaluating the understandability of topics, JSIAM Letters, 15(2023),121--124.
- H. Chu, S. Wei, T. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Miyatake, Lyapunov-stable deep equilibrium models, In Proc. of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 11615--11623, (2024).
- 星健夫,望月出海,田中悟,兵頭俊夫,福島孝治, 全反射高速陽電子回折(TRHEPD)を用いた表面構造決定におけるデータ駆動型感度解析, 陽電子科学, 21(2023), 3--9.
- T. Wang and T. S. Usuda, Simple detection scheme and performance evaluation for quantum illumination using quasi-Bell state, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 143(2023), 1090--1098.
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- S. Takahira, A. Ohashi, T. Sogabe, and T. S. Usuda, On the performance for the block-encoding of the matrix functions evaluated by the numerical quadrature method, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 177--180, (2023).
- T. Wang and T. S. Usuda, Quantum Chernoff bound for quantum reading using the quasi-Bell state, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 297--300, (2023).
- S. Sameshima, T. Wang, S. Takahira, S. Usami, and T. S. Usuda, On the optimal quantum state of BPSK-type asymmetric quantum communication in an attenuation environment, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 44--47, (2023).
- K. Masaki, T. Wang, S. Takahira, S. Usami, and T. S. Usuda, Comparison of several quantum receivers for coherent-state signals by using classical reliability function, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 114--117, (2023).
- S. Kitamura, T. Wang, S. Takahira, and T. S. Usuda, Calculation of capacity with discrete-valued inputs using efficiently obtained eigenvalues, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 267--270, (2023).
- Y. Wakahara, S. Takahira, S. Usami, and T. S. Usuda, Comparison of capacity and coding rates in CPPM-type quantum cipher with outer codes, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 279--281, (2023).
- Y. Horiba, T. Wang, and T. S. Usuda, Effect of scattering on quantum ghost imaging and ordinary imaging, In Proc. of 23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS2023), 261--264, (2023).
- 鮫島卓, 王天澄, 宇佐見庄五, 臼田毅, 位相変調を用いた非対称型量子通信とその減衰環境下における誤り率特性, 電子情報通信学会論文誌B, J106-B(2023), 112--125.
- S. Sato, Y. Miyatake, J.C. Butcher, High-order linearly implicit schemes conserving quadratic invariants, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 187(2023), 71--88,
- T. Wang, R. Miyazaki, S. Takahira, T.S. Usuda, Simplification of the gram matrix eigenvalue problem for quantum signals formed by rotating signal points in a circular sector region, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 142(2022), 1253--1261.
- S. Takahira, A. Ohashi, T. Sogabe, T.S. Usuda, Quantum algorithms based on the block-encoding framework for matrix functions by contour integrals, Quantum Information and Computation, 22(2022), 695--979.
- Y. Takahashi, T. Wang, S. Usami, T.S. Usuda, Effect of multiple positions illumination in quantum ghost imaging, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 142(2022), 933--941.
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- K. Akita, Y. Miyatake, D. Furihata, Composing a surrogate observation operator for sequential data assimilation, JSIAM Letters, 14(2022), 123--126.
- Y. Yamamoto, S. Kudo, T. Hoshi, Error analysis of the truncated Taylor series expansion method for computing matrix exponential, JSIAM Letters, 14(2022), 147--150.(プロジェクト参画前)
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・科学研究費補助金 基盤研究A (2020-2024年度) 「物理学・情報科学に共通する大規模行列関数の総合的数値計算法の創成」 |