Time: 2017/05/17
Speaker: 榊原 航也
Title: 「代用電荷法入門」
Affiliation: The University of Tokyo
Speaker: 剱持 智哉
Title: 「有限要素法の誤差解析」
Affiliation: The University of Tokyo
Speaker: 小林 俊介
Title: 「反応拡散系に現れるチューリング不安定性と分岐解析」
Affiliation: Meiji University
Time: 2016/11/14
Speaker: Prof. Sotiris Notaris
Title: “Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulae”
Affiliation: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Time: 2012/03/19
Speaker: Dr. Takeshi Fukaya
Title: “An Approach to Automatic Performance Tuning of the Blocked Householder QR Algorithm”
Affiliation: Nagoya University
Speaker: Dr. Lei Du
Title: “A variant of the IDR(s) method for solving shifted linear systems”
Affiliation: University of Tsukuba
Speaker: Dr. Akira Imakura
Title: “Some improvement techniques of the GMRES(m) method focused on the restart”
Affiliation: University of Tsukuba
Speaker: Dr. Takafumi Miyata
Title: “Computation of All the Eigenvalues on the Unit Circle”
Affiliation: Nagoya University
Speaker: Prof. Per Christian Hansen
Title: “Image Deblurring with Krylov Subspace Methods”
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark
Time: 2008/12/01
Speaker: Prof. Zhiming Chen
Title: “The Adaptive Immersed Interface Method for Elliptic and Electromagnetic Interface Problems”
Affiliation: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Speaker: Prof. Chi-Wang Shu
Title: “Multiscale Method’s Based on the Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme”
Affiliation: Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University