Speaker: Prof. Matthew Lin
Title: “On a Geometric Approach for Solving Structured Inverse Eigenvalue and Singular Value Problems”
Affiliation: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
Speaker: Prof. Matthew Lin
Title: “On a Geometric Approach for Solving Structured Inverse Eigenvalue and Singular Value Problems”
Affiliation: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
会議名: HPC Asia 2020
会場: アクロス福岡(日本)
ホームページ: http://sighpc.ipsj.or.jp/HPCAsia2020/index.html
発表者: 佐竹祐樹
タイトル: 「On a relationship between the ∗-congruence Sylvester equation and the generalized Sylvester equation」